Monday, July 30, 2007

Alfie - Big dog in small body

Yorkies may be small, but they're no easy pushovers. Alfie, for example, does not have a single strand of fear in him. He reminds me of the Goths from Asterix and Obelix, absolutely oblivious to the real meaning of FEAR.

For one, he fell off the flight of stairs last week while trying to reach Mikki who was overwhelmed by his constant desire to play and thought she could get away from him by hiding in the middle of the stairs. Alfie rolled down the entire flight of stairs, only coming to a stop at the foot. Thank goodness my stairs were fully cushioned with carpet, hence reducing the impact. You might think that he would then be terrified of the stairs. Not a chance! He continued to linger to the stairs whenever he gets the opportunity - thinking its time he took the leap and learned to go down the stairs.

Here's a new video of the Alfie the monkey!


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Alfie - The Yorkie

Finally, Mikki's got a little brother - Alfie. Took me a really long time to find a suitable companion for her. Because of her size and timid personality, big dogs were ruled out. Alfie was born in Birmingham on 19 May 2007 as part of a litter of 2. He's got an older sister Ruby who was sold to a family in Dundee. His mom Kizi's currently 8yrs old and this is her 2nd litter. His pedigree certificate shows that his gt grandparents were from the famous Ozmilion family.

Above are 2 of his great and great great grandfathers.

More pictures of Alfie at 9weeks old, you will notice that he's got his ears taped in the last few pictures. Reason for that is because his ears were way too fluffy and they were not standing the way yorkies ears should!

Will update more next time on how Alfie and Mikki are getting along... Stay tuned..


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